Hay tres cosas de las que estoy completamente segura. Primera, Edward es un vampiro. Segunda, una parte de él se muere por beber mi sangre. Y tercera, estoy total y perdidamente enamorada de él.
17 marzo 2009
.::"Adventureland" Press Conference::.
El resto aqui: http://everglowmedia.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=720
Rpattz...I dunno...I guess it's 'Uh' I guess it kind of makes sense...It's my ...initial?...and a bit of my name...giggle...At least it's not insulting...Rpattz...Rpattz...I dunno...it sounds kind of like...RPattz...sounds...I dunno...like an antacid or something...RPattz...I dunno...it's a bit too like...it sounds a bit cushy...RPattz it sounds like...I dunno...I prefer like...I dunno...I hate my name...I hate any reference to my name...I wish people would completely invent a new one...I dunno, like...SPUNK...There's a girl called Ransom...I'd like to go by Ransom Spunk or Spunk Ransom...yeah, it does sounds a little bit wrong Retrieved from Twatfax
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